
Leading Through Change – 1 Day, 7 PDUs


Learning Objectives

⦁ Recognize the need for a particular change and articulating a strategy to respond to change.
⦁ Stress the importance of leaders/managers to encourage buy-in and commitment.
⦁ Stress the importance of addressing issues and concerns.
⦁ Provide leaders with change models including Prosci’s ADKAR and tools to provide support and direction to their teams during organizational, team, or project changes.

Course Overview and Agenda

In today’s business environment, the pace and sources of change are multiplying. In order to adapt, people and organizations look to those they trust for guidance and support – those in leadership positions. Leader/managers can identify and address the questions and concerns of team members, provide a direction for moving forward, and communicate strategies to continue to meet strategic and project objectives. Using Prosci’s ADKAR model encourage a proactive and collaborative approach to identifying need change and implementing any change. Those in leadership positions play a vital role in seeing that team members understand the benefits and new opportunities brought about by the change, as well as to embrace and progress through implementing change. The Leading Through Change content focuses on practical strategies and models that assist people to acknowledge and adjust to changing business conditions.
Module 1: Introduction to Change and the Leadership Role within this Context
⦁ Define ‘change’
⦁ Review the role of the “nominal” leader
⦁ Review common sources and cause of change
⦁ Explore common responses to change
⦁ Examine the individual and team responses to change
Activity: Case Study 1
Module 2: Change Models and strategies
⦁ Review reasons a change response fails
⦁ Explore communication as a tool for calm and coordination
⦁ Examine the Force Field Tool
⦁ Forming a partnership for a change response
⦁ Inspiring a shared vision
⦁ Creating a sense of urgency
Activity: Case Study 2
Module 3: The Leadership and Management Roles
⦁ Review the responsibilities of each role
⦁ Recognize the leader/manager is also a human being in a work role
⦁ Review Prosci’s ADKAR model for proactive engagement in change
⦁ Examine responsibilities to the team
⦁ Examine responsibilities to organization
Activity: Case Study 3
Module 4: Strategies to Embrace Change
⦁ Review strategies to remove obstacles
⦁ Explore strategies to identify and build on successes, including ADKAR
⦁ Review the importance of creating and celebrating early successes
⦁ Examine strategies the anchor and normalize change responses
Activity: Create an individualized plan to apply the course content at work

Module 5: Summary and Next Steps

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